News 2017
Newsletter March
29, 2017
Invite For Washington DC Dinner, Friday, April 14, 2017
News 2016
Link To News Page 2016
Listing of Lost Members - October 30, 2016
Fairhaven Lecture June 2016
Washington DC Dinner April 9, 2016
Newsletter March
31, 2016
England June 2016
News 2015
December 2015
Information June 2015
800th Anniversary - England
Washington DC Dinner
April 11, 2015
February 2015 - Stakeholder Meeting
Temple Church
News 2014
October 2014
June 2014
Bingham Center For the Rule of Law Event
21, 2014
Future of Human Rights - Washington
An international panel which included the Director of the
Bingham Centre, Professor Sir Jeffrey Jowell QC, met on
Monday, 21 April to discuss human rights law. They considered
major successes as well as unaddressed issues in the human
rights movement, the effectiveness of the terms used by the movement to
inspire change, and alternative frameworks. They also discussed the
contributions of the late Professor Ronald Dworkin in human rights debates.
Other panellists included;Stephen G Breyer, Associate Justice of the US
Supreme Court; Professor David Cole, Georgetown University Law Center;
Former Chief Justice Margaret H Marshall; Robert Silvers, Co-Founder and
Editor of the New York Review of Books; and Shami Chakrabarti, Director of
The event was broadcast on C-Span:
Session One: The next generation's human rights
Session Two: Lessons from the past, for the future
Washington DC April 2014
Links To:
Mr. Saunders
Dr. Malpass
Houston Exhibit - We have
added new information to the Exhibit page including the Museum Promotional
Electronic Newsletter February 2014
Link To
From the Houston Museum of Science
Talk by
Sir Robert Rogers, House of Commons
“A Universal Charter? The Legacy of Magna Carta”
Wednesday, February 19,
6:30 p.m.
Link To Talk
To Slides
Link To Page
For the Houston Lectures
Ross Perot's Magna Charta Sale Program
Edited by Professor
Nicholas Vincent
56 Pages
State Meeting Page (for video)
Link - Added interview from 1993 with one of our members who attendedthe
750th Annoversary at Runnymede
Added Tour Video From
Garter Day and
Beating Retreat
Prince Edwards Wedding (outside St Georges Chapel)
Highclere Castle
Please use Firefox if Internet Explorer does not work promptly
At our meeting last year we learned about the planned publication of Magna
Carta The Foundation of Freedom 1215-2015, edited by Professor Nicholas
Vincent. Professor Vincent had provided the text for the Program Book for
the Sale of the 1297 Magna Charta formerly owned by Ross Perot’s Foundation
and now owned by David Rubenstein and displayed at the National Archives. We
were given permission to include the text but not the pictures on our
website and the link is above. I was very impressed by the 56 page text.
Our Society is planning one of 6 Special Editions (in addition to the
general edition) of Magna Carta The Foundation of Freedom 1215-2015, edited
by Professor Nicholas Vincent, and published by Third Millennium of the UK.
If our members and other supporters subscribe for enough books (I have been
told 500) for a special edition, then I am planning an 8 page forward and we
will include a list of our subscriber members in the book. The forward will
emphasize the role of our Society members in developing awareness of Magna
Charta. The new book will include additional authors as well as excellent
pictures. The other special editions in addition to our Society are for the
ABA, the IBA, the Law Society and the Bar council of England and Wales, and
Lincoln Cathedral. Even if there are not enough subscriptions for the
special editions the general version (without a special forward or list of
member subscribers) will be an excellent legacy publication for the first
800 years of the MC.
USA 800th
Anniversary - Page
Plan for our Annual Dinner - Washington, DC - Aprl
12, 2014
Opening the 800th Anniversary in the US - Houston
Museum of Natural Science - February 14, 2014
Page With Exhibit Information
Visitors to the Exhibit will view an original 1217
Magna Charta along with an original versaion of the 1215 King's Writ. The
museum staff has designed a very impressive exhibit which will place these
iconic documents within a historical context to provide an educational
experience for all ages. Chancellor Neilson visited the museum and viewed
the exhibit under construction on January 17, 2014.
The programs include
Lectures and Classes.
Link To Exhibit Information
News 2013
ABA Section of International
2013 Fall Meeting London England
Tuesday October 15, 2013
4:30 pm – 6:00 pm Coronation Suite, 2nd Floor
Magna Carta: the Fountain of Freedom and Democracy
The American Bar Association has joined the United
Kingdom and the other Commonwealth nations in honoring the 800th Anniversary
of the sealing of Magna Carta in 1215. The fundamental concepts of liberty
that had their beginnings in Magna Carta were transplanted to the American
colonies, influencing our history and the United States Constitution. The
2013 meeting of the ABA Section of International Law in London provides an
ideal opportunity to build on the gathering momentum for the 2015
commemorative events. This panel explores the historical and contemporary
significance of the Magna Carta to many legal systems around the world,
including those based in both the common law and civil law traditions.
Lesser-known documents, such as the Charter of the Forests signed shortly
after the Magna Carta, will also be noted. Featuring distinguished experts
from both sides of the Atlantic, this session promises to be a milestone in
drawing the past and the present together for a fresh understanding of the
rule of law.
Program Chair & Moderator:
Daniel Magraw, Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies,
Washington, DC,
United States program Chairs:
Anna Mance, Aballi Milne Kalil, P.A., Miami, Florida
Andrea Martinez, International Justice Initiative - SAIS, Johns Hopkins
University, Washington DC
Professor Nicholas A. Robinson, Pace Unıversıty Law School, White Plains,
New York
Nıcholas Vıncent, East Anglıa Unıversıty, Norwich
Judge Diane P. Wood, United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit,
Chicago, Illinois
Sir Robert Worcester, University of Kent, Canterbury
October 11, 2013
International Bar Association
IBA Rule of Law Symposium
October 11, 2013
Rule of Law Action Group
n Prague 2005, the IBA Council passed a Rule of Law Resolution. It was
followed by a rule of law initiative in 2006. The Rule of Law Action Group
has been given the responsibility to provoke, urge and assist the membership
of the IBA in supporting and promoting the rule of law.
Since 2006, the final day of the annual IBA conferences has been
dedicated to rule of law issues. Following successful rule of law symposia
in Chicago, Singapore, Buenos Aires, Madrid, Vancouver, Dubai and Dublin,
the final day of the conference in Boston 2013 will also be devoted to the
rule of law.
Corruption and the rule of law
Keynote speaker
Paul Volcker American Economist and former Chairman of
the Federal Reserve
for the rule of law is an essential component of democratic governance.
Corruption on the part of state officials is calculated to undermine the
rule of law and erode public confidence in government. It constitutes theft
from the pockets of all citizens and undermines the moral fibre of the
citizenry. As was famously stated by Justice Louis D Brandeis, ‘Our
government teaches the whole people by its example. If the government
becomes the lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law: it invites every man to
become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy’. The elimination of fraud and
theft on the part of state officials is essential to safeguard the rule of
Paul Volcker, American economist and former Chairman of the US Federal
Reserve, addressed the Rule of Law Symposium at the IBA Annual Conference
2013. He spoke on corruption and the rule of law.
Magna Carta and the rule of law
Keynote speaker
Justice Stephen Breyer US Supreme Court, Washington DC,
will mark the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta, the ‘great charter’ that
for the first time reined in the power of absolute English monarchs. The
idea that all are subject to the law, including kings and presidents, had
its origin in Magna Carta. It is also the basis of the rule of law, the very
heart of a democratic form of government. It is appropriate that the
International Bar Association in 2013 should look ahead to the important
anniversary of a document that has inspired democracy and the rule of law in
many countries.
Stephen Breyer, Associate Justice of the US Supreme Court, addresses the
Rule of Law Symposium at the IBA Annual Conference 2013, in anticipation of
the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta, a document that has inspired democracy
and the rule of law in many countries.
Session / Workshop Chair(s)
Session Co-Chair: Justice Richard Goldstone
Title Co-Chair Rule of Law Action Group
Former Justice of South African Constitutional Court From: Morningside, South Africa |
Session Co-Chair: Robert Stein
Officer TitleCo-Chair Rule of Law Action Group
Univ of Minnesota Law School
From: Minnesota |
Keynote Speaker: Stephen Breyer
Supreme Court of the US
From: Washington, USA |
Keynote Speaker: Paul Volcker
Former Chair, US Federal Reserve
From: New York, USA |
Speaker: Essam Al Tamimi
Al Tamimi & Company
From: Dubai, United Arab Emirates |
Speaker: Hilary Heilbron QC
Brick Court Chambers
From: London, England |
Speaker: William Hubbard
American Bar Association From:
Columbia, USA |
Speaker: Homer Moyer Jr
Officer Title: Vice-Chair Rule of Law Action Group Miller & Chevalier Chartered
From: Washington, USA |
Speaker: Akere Tabeng Muna
Transparency International From: Berlin, Germany |
Speaker: Lord Phillips of Worth
Former Presdent of theSupreme Court of England and Wales
From: London, England
Speaker: Peter Rees QC
Royal Dutch Shell plc
From:The Hague, Netherlands |
Speaker: James R Silkenat
Officer Title: President / Chairperson American Bar Assoc
From: New York, USA |
SpeakerJosé Ugaz
Transparency International
From: Berlin, Germany |
Speaker: Stephen Zimmermann
The World Bank
From: Washington, USA |
Session chairs:
Justice Richard Goldstone, Co-Chair, IBA Rule of
Law Action Group; Former Justice of South African Constitutional
Robert Stein, Co-Chair, IBA Rule of Law Action Group; University of
Minnesota Law School
Stephen Breyer, Supreme Court of the United States
Essam Al Tamimi , Tamimi and Company
Hilary Heilbron QC, Brick Court Chambers
William Hubbard , American Bar Association
James R Silkenat, President, American Bar Association
Lord Phillips of Worth Matravers
Introduction -
Stephen Breyer, Associate Justice of the US Supreme Court from IBA on Vimeo.
Part 1 -
Rule of Law Symposium afternoon session: Magna Carta - PART 1 from IBA on Vimeo.
Part 2 -
Rule of Law Symposium afternoon session: Magna Carta - PART 2 from IBA on Vimeo.
Interview with Lord Phillips
Lord Nicholas Phillips, former President of the UK Supreme Court from IBA on Vimeo.
August 7, 2013
We are adding additional resources, from 2008, The
Magna Carta Workshop Report, Teaching about human rights and democracy – The
Magna Carta as a reference point - A collaboration of the National Education
Association, the National Union of Teachers and Lincoln Cathedral -
Report - 76 Pages
July 20, 2013
Announcement by British Library of 2015 Exhibit of 4
2015 Magna Charta.
We have developed a short slide presentation to
introduce and explain our Society. Link.
June 17, 2013
Magna Carta
Lecture Video
The 9th Annual Lecture - University of London Royal Holloway
College/Runnymede Trust
by Professor Dr Bertrand G. Ramcharan Ll.M, Ph,D.,
Barrister-at-Law (Lincoln’s Inn) reviously: Chancellor of the
University of Guyana, Professor, First Swiss Chair of Human Rights, Geneva
Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Deputy and then
Acting UN High Commissioner for Human Rights; Commissioner of the
International Commission of Jurists; Member of the Permanent Court of
Arbitration. Currently President of UPR Info.
June 15, 2013
The Magna Carta
- Its Relevance for today and tomorrow - Conference
Democratic Heritage held a
debate in Bloomsbury, London, on this year’s Magna Carta Day. By symbolising
freedom from tyranny, Magna Carta has been a touchstone for concepts of
rights and responsibilities for centuries. Whatever our views it is vital
that we come together to celebrate the creation of the freedoms we now enjoy
and to debate how best to preserve and extend them today. It will discuss
the contemporary relevance of the Magna Carta, and how its legacy should
be carried into the future. Widely recognized as a pivotal document in the
development of the rule of law, the debate discusses alternate
interpretations of Magna Carta’s meaning for a contemporary audience. Our
Democratic Heritage. We are looking to support anyone interested in holding
their own activity on that day, however small or ambitious.
Dan Plesch, Chair of Our Democratic Heritage,
Anthony Barnett,
Open Democracy
( ), Clare
Coatman, Friends of the Earth (
), Lord McNally, Leader of the Liberal Democrats in the House of Lords and
former Minister of State at the Ministry of Justice, and
Sir Robert Worcester, Chair of the Magna Carta 800
June 14, 2013
I visited the Lincoln Castle, where one of the 1215 Magna Carta is
displayed and observed exciting progress for the new Interpretive Center
which is under construction as part of a 20 million pound (approx $32
million dollars) project, including 5.2 million pounds from the Lincolnshire
County Council. We encourage visiting and
searching for the Castle. We encourag our members and friends to attend the
opening event in 2015 (to be announced). Please let us know if you are
interested in attending.
June 12, 2013
Lord Judge Lecture - Text
June 11, 2013
Presentation COL James Durant
April 2013
Dinner April
Ambassador G. Philip Hughes is a Senior Director at the White
House Writers Group ( as well as a Senior
Associate at the Center for Strategic & International Studies.
He spoke
regarding the
importance of educating the world on the values of the Magna Carta during
the 800th Anniversary celebration.
March 2013
We are in the process of sending Electronic
Newsletters to our Members, Potential Members and those who are interested
in Magna Charta. Link
The mailed invitations have been sent for our annual
dinner on April 13, 2013, sent to those members who have expressed interest
in attending. If you would like an invitation please send your request to
We have added the updated
information concerning the Library of Congress Exhibit scheduled to open
November 28, 2014.
December 2012
We have encouraged our Divisions Chapters and
Colonies to record their presentations and we are encouraged that Houston
Colony Regent Mrs. Lou Gilpin recorded their last meeting and the excellent
talk, "Feudalism, the Norman Invasion and the Early Plantagenets: The
Road To Magna Charta" presented by Dr, Louis Markos can be viewed on
our site
Link To Talk
October 2012
We have added the Dedication Speech for the ABA
Memorial at Runnymede - July 28, 1957
June 2012
The Archbishop of Canterbury presented The
Magna Carta Lecture at Royal Holloway, University of London, June 15, 2012 -
"Sovereignty, Democracy, Justice"
The Video was filmed by Society Herald Nicole
April 2012
Meeting with Dr. Billington, Librarian of Congress - April
13, 2012 - Librarian's Ceremonial Office - Planning for the Exhibit to open
November 28, 2014
Vice Chair of the 800th Committee, Alice Richmond,
and Chancellor Neilson meeting with Dr. Billington

Chair of the 800th Anniversary Committee, Sir Robert
Worcester, plannign for the Exhibit with Dr. Billington and Chancellor

A Preview of some of the Exhibit items

Almost 800 years old!

Our Dinner - View the Video
We had an excellent and informative dinner on April
14, 2012.
We are including Video of the presentation by Sir Robert Worcester
Video and Text The
Law Librarian of Congress
March 2012
The Library of Congress is planning an Exhibit
opening on November 28, 2014.
Link To
Mailed invitations to our April 14, 2012 dinner are
in process to those who have expressed interest in attending, those who have
recently attended, recent contributers and leaders. Mailed invitations, like
mailed newsletters, involve significant cost and we appreciate that our
members with internet access share information. Electronic Newsletters
especially can provide considerable information (including links) and
lasting information which supports our educational mission.
We have established a primarily "members" website with user names
and passwords. For logistical reasons it is more effective to have a
separate site for this purpose which is . Members of
our Society have access to pages for the Divisions, Colonies and
Chapters as well as information sharing pages for immigrant ancestors. The
immigrant ancestors will initially include both those qualified for our
Society as well as other imigrants who were prominent in the colonial
period. Our members who have provided the Society with their email
address have been sent a welcoming email with a password and we encourage
our members to register for access.
Potential members and those interested in the Magna Charta may also
register for the site with sections of the site (to be developed) for them.
We will be working on the site and welcome reasonable suggestions.
Our Society has been invited to participate in
a reception in Philadelphia on April 26, 2012 to support The Duke of
Edinburgh's Award Program. While there is limited space if you might be
interested in attending please send an email to the Society.
January 2012
We are pleased to announce the 2012 Annual Dinner for
Saturday, April 14, 202 at the University Club, Washington, DC.
Sir Robert M. Worcester, KBE, DL, will be the speaker at our dinner on the
“Magna Carta: Foundation of Liberty, Protector of Democracy”
Professor Sir Robert M. Worcester, KBE, DL
chairs the Magna Carta 2015 800th Anniversary Committee.
Link to Response Form.
News 2011
December 2011
We are adding video to our site. Dean Alec Knight in
November of 2004 provides some perspective on the Virginia Beach Exhibit of
2007. The video was taken at the visitors center at the Tower of London.
London October 2011
Our Society is now included as a member of the
Magna Carta Trust, providing two Trustees, Chancellor Lewis L. Neilson, Jr.
and Vice-Chancellor. Professor Henry Conrad Wurts. The 800th Anniversary
Committee has a new website
We met with Canon Rex Davis who was the SubDean of
Lincoln Cathedral for 27 years until 2003 who provided some very interesting
perspective on the travels of the Lincoln Magna Charta.
Philadelphia October 2011
Focusing on our own history, we have
added a page for
information about Memorable Meetings of our Society. There are 56 meetings
listed up to April 17, 1956 and many of the talks were printed and
circulated to the membership. We are in the process of scanning that
Please refer to the 2010 News Page for additional
information about the Launch Ceremony of the 800th Celebration
Philadelphia PA July 2011
July 25, 2011 - Chancellor Nelison planned a meeting in Philadelphia with
Roberta I Shaffer, Law Librarian of Congress, Robert Newlen, Assistant
Law Librarian for Collections, Outreach and Services, Siobhan A. Reardon,
President and Director, Free Library of Philadelphia, and Janine Pollock,
Head, Rare Book Department, Free Library of Philadelphia.

There is additional information including pictures from 1939
June Newsletter - We
sent an Electronic Newsletter
England June 2011
The Chancellors June 2011 Trip to England began on Thursday June 9 at Lincoln.
Thursday evening I met with Dr Nicholas Bennett, Vice-Chancellor and
Librarian, Lincoln Cathedral Library, and Carol Bennett, Lincoln Cathedral
Education Officer. I asked about the archives of the Cathedral concerning the travels of the
Lincoln Copy of the Magna Carta and they suggested that I meet with Linda
Tilney which I did Friday afternoon. After the meeting I attended evensong
at the Cathedral where the results of the election of a new Bishop were
announced. After the service the
Magna Carta Lecture. "Magna Carta and the Rule of Law" [view
video-S] [view text] was presented by Lord
McNally, Minister of State for Justice and Deputy Leader of the House of
Lords, followed by a reception at the Deanery. I had a chance to meet Phil
Hamlyn Williams the
new Chapter Clerk and Chief Executive of Lincoln Cathedral, .
On Saturday Linda Tilney provided a
30 minute recording [view
video-S] of her recollections of the Magna Carta travels and I
took the afternoon train to London.
Please see additional information about the Exhibits
Monday, by
kind permission of Rt. Hon. John Bercow MP, Speaker of the House of Commons,
Mrs Eleanor Laing MP,
invited me to
a reception to launch
The All Party Parliamentary Group
the Magna Carta,
the Speaker Apartments, House of Commons.
We were
welcomed by Rt Hon John Bercow MP
and Mrs. Eleanor Laing MP followed by an explanation of the aspirations of the 800th Anniversary Committee by Sir
Robert Worcester KBE, DL. [view
Tuesday evening there was
a Choral Evensong In Celebration of Magna Carta at the
Temple Church, The Reverend Robin Griffith-Jones, Master of the Temple,
[view video-S] followed by a dinner at the Inner Temple. The speaker following dinner
was Rt Hon Lord Neuberger of Abbotsbury, Master of the Rolls and Chairman of
the Magna Carta Trust. [view
Thursday afternoon the 800th Anniversary Committee met at Royal Holloway
followed by seventh annual Royal Holloway lecture. The lecture was presented
by TheRt Hon Lady Justice Arden DBE, entitled "Magna Carta and the Judges -
realizing the vision".
video of lecture-S] [view
text] [view
video of dinner-S]
Washington DC April 2011
April 16, 2011 - The 2011 DC Reception and Dinner was
held Saturday, April 16, 2011 at the University Club. We reviewed plans fo
the 800th Ceolebration and enjoyed remarks from a representative of Lincoln
Cathedral, Allison White.
April 14, 2011 - The Chancellor met with and recorded a brief presentation by Roberta Shaffer, Law Librarian of Congress,
explaining plans for the 800th Anniversary Celebration
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